The following committees are active:
Tech Committee (standing). Chair: Curt W1FSM. Members: Charles N1LLL, Paul WB2JVB, Dee N1ZD, Tom K1TA. Responsible for: All club equipment in the communications center, equipment in the storage trailer, beam trailer and repeaters.
Field Day Committee (ad-hoc). Chair: Sam NV1P. Members: TBA. Responsible for field day planning and execution.
Bylaws (ad-hoc). Chair: Paul WB2JVB. Member: Greg KC1CRT. Review and update of some dated items in the constitution and bylaws. Results will be presented to the membership for voting.
Nominating (standing). TBA. This committee is formed every year in the summer and recommends a slate of officers for the following year.
Education. Chair: Paul WB2JVB. Members: TBA. Plan and organize ham training classes.
Special Events/Public Service/VE (ad-hoc). Chair: Lisa KC1YL. Members: TBA. Plan and organize GNARC public service and operating events. Conduct VE session quarterly.
Board (standing). Chair: Tom K1TA. Members: Paul WB2JVB, Rachel KB1VWJ, Jim KC1FB, George AB1QK, Curt W1FSM, Sam NV1P.