March 12, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Monthly Members Meeting
March 12,2024 – Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at Comstock Community Center, Wilton, CT. 7:30PM

Attending: Officer members – Hugo AA1XV, President; Dave N1DPD, Treasurer; Tom – KB1FBX, Secretary. Other members and guests in attendance included: Steve K1RF, Jim KC1FB, Peter KC1PWH, Jon AI1V, Jonathan K1RFD

New Business:

David N1DPD gave an update: There are 54 paid members. We have adequate funds in the Treasury.

A new ham radio coordinator is needed for the Bloomin Metric coverage.

We discussed our repeaters. Steve W1SMS and Peter KC1PWH are going to pull together better information on the location of our repeaters and their conditions. Paul W1PPL is expected to help them.

We have 3 older radios to sell or let new members use.

We expect to combine with the Housatonic Amateur Radio Club and Greater Fairfield Amateur Radio Club to hold Field Day at the Westport Observatory on June 22-23.

At our March VE session, we had 4 people earn their Technician license. Next VE session will be May 11 at the Norwalk Public Library.

Dave, Hugo, and Martin (K1MGD) moved an assortment of radio gear and parts donated from Silent Key Joe WJ1M to the trailer.

The meeting closed at 8:10PM.

A presentation was made by Paul N1II regarding test equipment based on digital circuits. It was a well done presentation and we thank Paul.

Our next meeting will be April 10 at the Comstock Community Center.

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