Meeting opened 7:30 by K1TA Oct minutes approved.
Department Reports:
Nominating Committee: Due to a sudden, last-minute drop-out of a candidate, we have to delay the announcement of the proposed slate for Board of Directors by 24 hours. A vote was taken to approve the delay and was passed.
Finance: Checking and savings both good.
Communications: No communications of note.
Board: No Board actions.
Technical Committee: We are having a problem with the Echolink/IRLP node because we are sending courtesy tones to Echolink and IRLP, which we should not be doing. There is a module we need to add to the repeater. KC1GBZ and N1PLH are working on the problem and expect to have it taken care of shortly. Until then we are blocked from certain IRLP reflectors.
With Curt’s move to North Carolina, we need to find a chair for the Technical Committee. Please contact any of the Board members if you are interested. You don’t have to be the world’s greatest techie, you just need to be someone who will work with the club to find the right person to fix things when they need fixing.
Public Service: No items of note this month. Nothing in the immediate future.
Education Committee: Tech class ended 10/31. So far nine of the students have taken their exam, with eight passing. We expect two more to take the exam in December, plus the one who did not pass – which will give us a “graduation number” of 11.
VE session last Saturday. 1 new Tech license, 1 General upgrade in addition to the Tech class students.
We will probably do another soldering class in the near future. If you are interested in the soldering class, please contact AI1V (
We are thinking of giving a General class in the spring and are trying to gauge interest. If you are interesting in a General license class, please contact AI1V (
Holiday Party: The annual holiday party will be held on Wed Dec 11 at 6pm at the Laurel Athletic Club in Norwalk. Pricing will be $35 for a single/$65 for a couple. They have a new caterer and they expect to be able to handle special dietary requests. If you have a special dietary request, please contact Toy (K1WYQ).
The meeting was closed at 7:50 pm.