Attending: Officer members –Jon Perelstein AI1V, President; Dave D’Arinzo N1DPD Treasurer; Tom Gunther W1TEG, Secretary. Other members in attendance included: Paul W1PPL; Jesse .
Minutes: Meeting called to order at 6:05 PM by President Jon AI1V; at Colony Grill in Norwalk.
Order of Business
- Open Discussions: Members discussed the upcoming holiday party; potential locations for setting up a radio facility and meeting locations.
- Classes: no new class is currently planned.
- Holiday Party 12/14 at 7 PM – Members discussed the planned party at the restaurant “PONZA Italian Kitchen” [690 Connecticut Ave, Norwalk]. A Sit-down menu with 3 options has been selected. While the meal will cost approximately $50, Members will be charged $35 each and the club will cover the difference. There will be a pay-Bar and Prizes / drawings. Please pay before attending via PayPal. Look us up at “Greater Norwalk Amateur Radio Club” in the PayPal portal.
- Future meetings – will probably continue at Comstock Community Center.
- Meeting Presentations – No presentation was scheduled for this meeting.
- Treasurer’s Report – Accounts remain strong with minimal spending during the prior period.
- Club Dues — Annual Dues of $35 will be due and payable January 1, 2023. Feel free to pay early in support of your club. Please PAY VIA PAYPAL. A link is on our website.
Next meeting will be the Holiday Party December 14th. – see above. January meeting is Jan 11, 2023 … at Comstock Community Center 183 School Road in Wilton.