Attending: Officer members –Jon Perelstein AI1V, President; Dave D’Arinzo N1DPD Treasurer; Tom Gunther W1TEG, Secretary. Other members in attendance included: Chuck K1CWT; Hugo AA1XV; Joe KC1AUH; TomR KB1FBX; Steve K1RF; Peter KC1PWH; SteveS W1SMS; and Martin K1MGD.
Minutes: Meeting called to order at 7:20 PM by President Jon AI1V; at the Comstock Community Center (room 13) in Wilton.
Order of Business
Pizza and soda were served to the members.
Open Discussions: Members discussed various radio topics and relayed their experiences. Some items covered included: Different types of antenna in use by government entities and others as well as home installed antenna and various difficulties experienced and some remedies; RF problems and solutions; Use of USB cable connections to a rig and overcoming some difficulties; FT8 and JSA Call super-fast speed; Ground rod use and the benefits of tying all home ground rods together. Most members contributed and found the discussions informative.
VE Session was held for the concluded Technician license class held by Jon and Paul W1IP for Wilton CERT members. Six students took the test and passed. Two also advanced to General. No new VE test is currently scheduled.
Classes: no new class is currently planned.
Holiday Party – Members discussed the potential for a party at the restaurant “PONZA Italian Kitchen” [690 Connecticut Ave, Norwalk] Also discussed was a sit-down event or just cocktails and pass around foods. Sit down was he recommendation in the room.
Future meetings – will probably continue at Comstock Community Center.
Meeting Presentations – No presentation was scheduled.
Treasurer’s Report – Accounts remain strong with minimal spending during the prior period. The Tres. Filed annual CT Lic. and is following up on a client contribution match processed.
Club Dues Annual Dues of $35 will be due and payable January 1, 2023. Feel free to pay early in support of your club.
Activities – Upcoming event include the CQDX sideband contest. The Westport club will participate and GNARC members are welcome to join them 10/29-30. Pizza Night at the Fairfield Coast Guard Station. Members invited to attend 11/5. The ARRL BBQ and open house is scheduled 10/29 in Newington 10 AM to 2 PM. Pre-Register here: