Field Day Equipment update

Wednesday,  a number of GNARC members met to review the contents of the trailer and sort out some field day equipment. Here are the results:

  • All the coax was tested and passed. There are a couple of cables that need new PL-259’s. Curt has volunteered to do one at the comm center as a class, and let others practice as well. Please let me know directly if you’d like to do this. It will likely be a Wednesday night.
  • There are also some coax rolls at the comm center that need connectors and testing.
  • The tents were in bad shape due to wind damage last year. We have three fully operational tents, with side panels, and they are now all marked so we know what goes with what.  The club board is researching getting a few more tents. PLEASE if you have an  8×8 or 10×10 pop up tent you will loan the club for field day, let me now ASAP.  I will loan my 8×8, which is good for the VHF station. 10×10 is better for the contest stations.
  • We have 4 six foot plastic tables and 2 eight foot heavy wooden tables.  We are looking into more plastic tables. Again if you have one to loan, please advise. We usually need two 8’ tables for the kitchen area.
  • All the power cables and ropes are there.
  • The 40m beam is there, as well as the 80m antenna stub.
  • We have not found the “tee” connectors for use with the stub. They may be at the comm center.
  • The club now has a gas grill.
  • Trailer is in good shape, tires were aired up, and it is ready to go.

Thanks to W1PPL, N1ZD, KC1AUH, AI1V, W1FSM and W1GIG for helping out today.

Things are looking up! Lets hope for nice weather and good prop!



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