Category Archives: Breaking News

Repeater Changes

Effective immediately, several changes have been implemented in the Norwalk area analog repeaters.

W1NLK  146.475 is now a SINGLE SITE, with a PL of 100. If were using “West”, you must now return to “East”.

W1FSM 146.775 PL 100 is back on the air. It had been moved from its home in New Canaan to a temporary site at Norwalk Hospital. The Waveny mansion in NC is undergoing a multi-year renovation and the repeater was removed several months ago.

The hospital site did not prove useful, with excessive noise/coverage problems. Therefore it was agreed to move W1FSM to the “West” site previously used by W1NLK.

Many thanks to Curt W1FSM for spearheading the effort, with much assistance from Dee N1ZD, Michael N1PLH and Charles N1LLL.

Please give 146.775 some use, the coverage seems excellent.


Technician Class – Starting October 18th!

A technician amateur radio license class will again be offered at the comm center. The class is being taught by Jon, AI1V and Paul WB2JVB.

The details are in the attached PDF.


Local hams support Lighthouse to Lighthouse race!

Today, local hams from around the region supported the annual Lighthouse to Lighthouse race in Long Island sound off Norwalk’s Shady Beach.  This event raises fund for the Achilles foundation which helps those with disabilities participate in mainstream running races.

Many thanks, in no particular order, to:  Toy K1WYQ, Bill WG1HM, Greg KC1CRT, Lisa KC1YL, Marilyn KB1YYO, Marty Ka1WBN, Tom KD1UL, and Paul W1PPL.  Operators were stationed at the beach, on Sheffield Island, on three race support boats and the Coast Guard Auxiliary tower.

We used a go-kit with a Yaesu FT-8800 and a Sea Ranger marine radio. Antennas were an Ed Fong, and a wide band mag mount on a pie plate.

Thanks for helping, Paul WB2JVB


GNARC Summer Picnic!

Members! Come one, come all. Bring the YL, XYL, OM, kids, etc. SARA and GFARA have been invited as well! Don’t miss it, its one of best events of the year!

The annual summer picnic will be July 30th from 2:30 to 7:00pm. The location is the same as last year:  58 Woodhill Rd in Wilton Ct. Thanks to Lisa, KC1YL for providing the excellent venue! Here is the map. The rain date will be determined later,  if necessary. Read More →

GNARC portable operation from CT MA RI border!

On June 10th, 2017, KC1YL, W1PPL and WB2JVB traveled to the CT/MA/RI tri-point, where all states meet. This is near Thompson, CT and is at 700′ elevation. It was about a 1.5 mile hike into the woods up the mountain.  Radio was an Icom IC-706 MkIIG into a Buddipole at 20′.  Power supply was a Bioenno Lithium Iron Phosphate 15Ah battery. Picnic lunch was also enjoyed.

Over 50 contacts were made on 20m, including Alaska and several in California. Lots of midwest contacts as well.

Tons of fun, other than the millions of caterpillars that were everywhere! If you have ideas for a portable op, let Lisa know!

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Beam Repair May 18, 2017

Curt W1FSM, Charles N1LLL, Mike N1PLH, Dee N1ZD and Paul W1PPL worked on the beam.
I am told that they replaced the Balun and the Balun Straps. Installed the proper spacers in the crossover network, tightened up several loose bolts and installed a new cable from the tower to the beam. Also the tri-band vertical was removed from the top of the tower and will be relocated at a later date.
On Saturday 5/20, Curt and I put the beam through its paces and it appears to be fixed. the SWR is between 1.5:1 and 2.5:1 depending which direction it is pointed, probably due to the steel roof.

So, I am VERY HAPPY to tell the club that the beam is back in service. 

ALSO, while we were testing antennas we found that there is an intermittent problem with the All-Band OCF antenna causing the SWR to swing. Curt said that he will address this ASAP.

From: Tom K1TA

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Sheffield Island Cleanup

Two GNARC members participated in the Sheffield Island Lighthouse cleanup and get ready for opening day. The Norwalk Seaport Association lets us operate from the island, so its good to help them out. Plus we got a free ferry ride, free lunch and a nice day on the island. Don’t miss it next year! And we got in the local paper.

2017 Sheffield Island Clean up