Attending: Officer members –Jon Perelstein AI1V, President; Dave D’Arinzo N1DPD Treasurer; Tom Gunther W1TEG, Secretary. Other members in attendance included: Paul W1PPL; Bill KC1TX; Toy K1WYQ; Dee N1ZD; Hugo; Steve W1SMS; Steve N9SJM; Ed K3EIN; Jess ND1L; Jonathan W1DYN; Dave N1DPD; Tom KB1FBX; Steve K1RF; Rusty K4SAA; MJG N1VSV and Pete Hubbard.
Minutes: Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Tom W1TEG; via Zoom
Order of Business
- Open Discussions: Members discussed various recent DX and other FT8 experiences on 10M and 15M; as well as other general radio topics. General discussions occurred before and after the presentation.
- Classes: no new class is currently planned.
- Treasurer’s Report – Accounts remain strong with minimal spending during the prior period and future month; 41 members have paid their dues to date; forms 990 were filed as required. The treasurer will look into expanding the funding source from just check or Pay Pal today to potentially add Venmo.
- Meeting Presentation – Dr Jonathan Shapiro presented an interesting overview titled “Introduction to Python Programming”. He ran through both his library of reference materials on the subject and how he had utilized the programming technique to support testing routines. He provided a real time look at the program in use and answered many questions. The presentation and Q&A ran for 45 minutes.
- VE Session: next session is Feb 25 at Norwalk Library. Extra VEs are needed.
- Future meetings – We have asked one member to present an overview of his Raspberry Pi projects for our March meeting and Steve K1RF is prepared to present a look at a specific dipole antenna type in April.
- Club Dues — Annual Dues of $35 were due and payable January 1, 2023. Please PAY VIA PAYPAL. A link is on our website.
Next meeting will be March 8th. Via Zoom starting at 7 PM.
Meeting adjourned 8:40 PM
W1TEG, Secretary.