GNARC Summer Picnic!

Members! Come one, come all. Bring the YL, XYL, OM, kids, etc. SARA and GFARA have been invited as well! Don’t miss it, its one of best events of the year!

The annual summer picnic will be July 30th from 2:30 to 7:00pm. The location is the same as last year:  58 Woodhill Rd in Wilton Ct. Thanks to Lisa, KC1YL for providing the excellent venue! Here is the map. The rain date will be determined later,  if necessary.

The club will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and soft drinks. We ask members please bring a salad, side or dessert. Please email Lisa to coordinate what you are bringing, so we do not duplicate! 

The GNARC trailer will be there for those who have not seen it. Plenty of space to operate portable if you want to bring a radio/antenna.

And of course Toy will be the master of ceremonies for the raffle!

Bring any gear you wish to sell, there is room to tail gate.

BYOB. Bring a folding chair.

We would like a head count, so please RSVP to Lisa KC1YL if possible!


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