Repeater Changes

Effective immediately, several changes have been implemented in the Norwalk area analog repeaters.

W1NLK  146.475 is now a SINGLE SITE, with a PL of 100. If were using “West”, you must now return to “East”.

W1FSM 146.775 PL 100 is back on the air. It had been moved from its home in New Canaan to a temporary site at Norwalk Hospital. The Waveny mansion in NC is undergoing a multi-year renovation and the repeater was removed several months ago.

The hospital site did not prove useful, with excessive noise/coverage problems. Therefore it was agreed to move W1FSM to the “West” site previously used by W1NLK.

Many thanks to Curt W1FSM for spearheading the effort, with much assistance from Dee N1ZD, Michael N1PLH and Charles N1LLL.

Please give 146.775 some use, the coverage seems excellent.


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