For those who haven’t heard, The Society for the Preservation of Amateur
Radio (SPAR <
winter field day every year. It’s a wonderful opportunity to operate in one
of the more relaxed contests, as the bands are far less crowded (there were
55 logs submitted last year), and there can be some back and forth
conversation besides just a signal report. Most of the time you first have
to explain why you’re calling CQ field day 6 months early, but it leads to
some interesting comments.
This year GNARC will be running a field day site at the comm center, and
everyone is invited. Just like the summer field day this won’t be all about
radio. Did I mention we have a commercial kitchen? Bring your friends and
family for a day (and night) of radio fun and non-radio food. You’ll get a
chance to operate great equipment into a great antenna on HF, and enjoy the
benefits of a “Winter picnic” without having to freeze.
We’ll be running from noon on Sat, Jan 24 to noon on the 25th, though it’ll
be appreciated if a few show up a little early for setup.