Category Archives: Breaking News

Beam is fixed

The beam has been repaired. During field day, it was noticed that the SWR was jumping around. One of the metal pieces that comprises the log periodic part of the antenna was loose, so as the antenna moved, the connection was intermittent.

Thanks to N1LLL, W1FSM, N1PLH, N1ZD, WB2JVB, AB1QK, W1DVE for assisting during various work sessions! And thanks to FD for providing a safe platform for us.

Setting up APRS on an iOS device

Mike, N1PLH, has created these instructions for setting up APRS on an apple device. While it is not radio, it uses some of the same APRS technology, and can be useful in tracking  hams during public service events.


Free crank up tubular tower w/rotator and quad

There is a tower available for free. It comes with a rotator and a quad. It is a Wilson tt-45b, 45′ and is located in Bethel.

You will have to take a team that knows how to do tower work to safely go get it. Serious only. Contact WB2JVB for details.

rocco1 rocco2

Local Skywarn classes

Many have asked about local Skywarn training classes. The NY office has just posted the schedule.

There is a class in Bridgeport. See the following link for details and if you need to register.

Volunteers Needed – Tree Festival

Please consider signing up for this event. This will be our third year. Basically we assist with parking, using our radios to communicate. This is a large event. Everything is free and you get to partake of the activities at the event and get some free food too!

Click the link to sign up. You do not have to create an account, just click the checkbox and submit. Enter your details. Thats it!

Skywarn Training Classes

Many have asked about Skywarn training. The following classes are scheduled. Some of these say there is no registration required, but I would encourage you to track down someone to confirm date and time. See for your local office. In Norwalk, our local office is

Listed below are the Basic Spotter Training Sessions that have been scheduled so far for the spring of 2015. Nothing has been scheduled yet for the southern counties covered by NWS New York, (Upton). When they are they will be announced.

Litchfield County Monday  April 13th 6:30PM Warren Fire Dept 2nd floor 11 Sackett Hill Road Cornwall Bridge Pre-registration required but the registration link has not been set up yet at the NWS Albany webpage

Tolland County Thursday May 7th 7:00 PM Andover Firehouse  11 School Road Andover Pre-registration required contact

Windham County Tuesday May 12th 7:00PM Ashford Town Hall Room 104 lower level  5 Town Hall Road Ashford  No Registration required

Hartford County Monday June 8th 7:00 PM Granby Senior Center 15 North Granby Road Granby (Behind Town Hall)  No registration  required

Comm center to do list posted

See this link, or the Comm Center menu for the current to do list! Please help!