Attending: Officer members –Jon Perelstein AI1V, President; Paul LaVorgna W1PPL, Asst Treasurer, Tom Gunther W1TEG, Secretary, Marty K1MGD VP and David N1DPD, Treasurer. Other members in attendance included: Steve W1SMS, Dan N3DAN, Hugo AA1XV
Minutes: Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by President Jon AI1V; with members noted in attendance, in-person.
LOCATION: Colony Grill, 155 West Ave, Norwalk, CT 06851
Dues – The president noted our “Dues Holiday” for 2022 will end for 2023. New year dues will be payable at $35 each for the calendar year 2023, starting in December 2022.
Future Meeting Presentations – No meeting presentation in August as we will hold our summer picnic at a member’s home. Other presentations planned include: Steve Dick talking about doublet antennas in September; Jon P on Winlink for October; No topic yet selected for November and Holiday Party in December. PLEASE Send your topic suggestions for future meetings to Jon.
o Field Day = June 25-26, 2022. 11 members attended FD and all reported a positive experience at the Westport Observatory. A HEX beam was secured by Jon and raised for use during FD. Members made contacts with all but 4 entities. Steve D was the master in CW contacts. Four clubs (WASARC, HARC, GFARA, GNARC) all worked very well together at Field Day with good cooperation and coordination. Working with them was just a real pleasure – including their providing food for members. Thanks to Mike S and Marty for moving the trailer to and from FD.
o Summer Picnic = Sat August 27, Noon to 3 PM. SAVE THE DATE. Location (at a member’s home) to be forwarded directly to members. Pot-luck dishes will be requested and club supplied items provided. Stay tuned for more details.
Treasurer’s Report – Balances remain strong in club accounts. Bills paid included $200 for field day food and $46 for trailer tax.
Education/Testing – The readiness Collective has closed. We are looking for a new venue. Any suggestions should be forwarded to Jon. Discussion is underway to hold a Technician license class in September / October and potentially hold a General class in January / February. A Location for the class must be found that is suitable.
New Business:
o Thanks to Paul W1IP for finding a new vendor for club badges.
o Discussed the need to find a location for Club activities and a radio shack. Members are again encouraged to seek out potential locations such as a town community center, social clubs, senior citizen centers or Senior Residences, a local Fire house, a local high school or other facilities. Each of these could provide a mutual benefit with GNARC having a presence in their facility. Members are encouraged to seek out such locations and forward to club officers.
Next meeting will be at the Picnic August 27th. September meeting is Sept 14th at the American Legion Post 12, 60 County St, Norwalk, CT 06851. Members are encouraged to attend in person! Social distancing is easy in such a large facility and the bar downstairs is open after the meeting.
Meeting adjourned 8:30 PM
W1TEG, Secretary.