Meeting Minutes – July 2022

Attending: Officer members –Jon Perelstein AI1V, President; Paul LaVorgna W1PPL, Asst Treasurer, Tom Gunther W1TEG, Secretary, Marty K1MGD VP and David N1DPD, Treasurer. Other members in attendance included: Steve W1SMS, Dan N3DAN, Hugo AA1XV

Minutes: Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by President Jon AI1V; with members noted in attendance, in-person.
LOCATION: Colony Grill, 155 West Ave, Norwalk, CT 06851

Dues – The president noted our “Dues Holiday” for 2022 will end for 2023. New year dues will be payable at $35 each for the calendar year 2023, starting in December 2022.

Future Meeting Presentations – No meeting presentation in August as we will hold our summer picnic at a member’s home. Other presentations planned include: Steve Dick talking about doublet antennas in September; Jon P on Winlink for October; No topic yet selected for November and Holiday Party in December. PLEASE Send your topic suggestions for future meetings to Jon.

o Field Day = June 25-26, 2022. 11 members attended FD and all reported a positive experience at the Westport Observatory. A HEX beam was secured by Jon and raised for use during FD. Members made contacts with all but 4 entities. Steve D was the master in CW contacts. Four clubs (WASARC, HARC, GFARA, GNARC) all worked very well together at Field Day with good cooperation and coordination. Working with them was just a real pleasure – including their providing food for members. Thanks to Mike S and Marty for moving the trailer to and from FD.

o Summer Picnic = Sat August 27, Noon to 3 PM. SAVE THE DATE. Location (at a member’s home) to be forwarded directly to members. Pot-luck dishes will be requested and club supplied items provided. Stay tuned for more details.

Treasurer’s Report – Balances remain strong in club accounts. Bills paid included $200 for field day food and $46 for trailer tax.

Education/Testing – The readiness Collective has closed. We are looking for a new venue. Any suggestions should be forwarded to Jon. Discussion is underway to hold a Technician license class in September / October and potentially hold a General class in January / February. A Location for the class must be found that is suitable.

New Business:
o Thanks to Paul W1IP for finding a new vendor for club badges.
o Discussed the need to find a location for Club activities and a radio shack. Members are again encouraged to seek out potential locations such as a town community center, social clubs, senior citizen centers or Senior Residences, a local Fire house, a local high school or other facilities. Each of these could provide a mutual benefit with GNARC having a presence in their facility. Members are encouraged to seek out such locations and forward to club officers.

Next meeting will be at the Picnic August 27th. September meeting is Sept 14th at the American Legion Post 12, 60 County St, Norwalk, CT 06851. Members are encouraged to attend in person! Social distancing is easy in such a large facility and the bar downstairs is open after the meeting.


Meeting adjourned 8:30 PM
W1TEG, Secretary.

March 2022 Meeting Minutes

AttendingOfficer members –Jon Perelstein AI1V, President; Paul LaVorgna W1PPL, Asst Treasurer, Tom Gunther W1TEG, Secretary, Marty K1MGD VP and David N1DPD, Treasurer.  Other members in attendance included:  Steve K1RF, Pete H KC1PWH, Steve W1SMS,

Minutes:  Meeting called to order at 7:40 PM by President Jon AI1V; with members noted in attendance, in-person.

LOCATION: American Legion Post 12, at 60 County St, Norwalk, CT 06851

Order of Business

  • Dues – The president noted our “Dues Holiday” for 2022.  Where Members will not be asked to pay dues for the coming year as a way of saying thank you for your patience during the pandemic.  This will probably change in the next fiscal year.
  • Future Meeting Presentations – For next month Steve K1RF agreed to reach out to Larry Reed who provided a very interesting presentation on his high-altitude balloon launches in the past, for an update on his latest balloon activities.  Other topic possibilities include Solar Energy advances, cable business updates and EVs. 
  • Events –:  Field Day = June 25-26, 2022.  Field Day planning has begun at GNARC.  Considerable discussion occurred on various antenna options such as directional unit, a spider beam with 2 or 3 elements, a hex beam for 20/15/10; etc.  Discussion on height up occurred i.e. 30’ +/- and various mast sizes available; as well as the simplicity of a wire antenna.  Also discussed how many members will come and participate in FD.  Location for FD was discussed such as Vets Park; West Rocks School, Westport Observatory or other potential sites.  Members Jon and PPL will visit the Westport Observatory K1WAS | Westport Astronomical Society (  It looks like the Astronomical Society location may have a lot of benefits and excellent location for joint FD activities. Stay tuned for updates on this.
  • Treasurer’s Report –– The club finances remain strong.  The Treasurer has filed the appropriate tax forms, paid our insurance, and handled the CT state non-profit fee and trailer registration costs.
  • Education/Testing – We have a VE session on Sat March 26 at 1 pm at The Readiness Collective.  VE’s needed. 
  • Presentation:  No formal presentation was planned for this event.  This meeting was a trial to evaluate the new location at the American Legion Hall.  The club pays $50 to utilize a large hall and have access to the facility Bar in the lower level after the meeting.  Members did indeed go down for some refreshment at 9 PM after the meeting.  All present agreed it was a great success to use this wonderful location complete with ample parking.
  • New Business:  Discussed the need to find a location for Club activities and a radio shack.  Members are encouraged to seek out potential locations such as a town community center, social clubs, senior citizen centers or Senior Residences, a local Fire house, a local high school or other facilities.  Each of these could provide a mutual benefit with GNARC having a presence in their facility.  Members are encouraged to seek out such locations and forward to club officers.

Next meeting will be April 13th at the American Legion Post 12,   60 County St, Norwalk, CT 06851

    Members are encouraged to attend in person!  Social distancing is easy in such a large facility and the bar downstairs is open after the meeting.

Meeting adjourned 9:00 PM

W1TEG, Secretary.

October 2021 Monthly Meeting

Monthly Members Meeting

October 13, 2021 – Meeting Minutes

AttendingOfficer members –Jon Perelstein AI1V, President; Paul LaVorgna W1PPL, Treasurer; Peter Healy KC1GBZ, Vice President; Tom Gunther W1TEG, Secretary.  Other members in attendance included: Dee-N1ZD, Jonathan AB1HI, Steve Dick, Toy K1WYQ, Hugo AA1XV, Steve N1CM, Ray WB1U, Steve KC1MDK, Paul W1ip, Bill KB1IFY, David N1DPD, Rick K1OF, Don, Tom KB1FBX

Minutes:  Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by President Jon AI1V;

Order of Business

  • Holiday Party — Jonupdated the members on the Board’s decision to hold our Holiday Party on Wed 12/8th at the Silver Star Diner in Norwalk (just off Exit 14 of Rt 95) at 7 PM.  The club will provide appetizers, desert and the venue.  Three selected entree’s will be available for quicker service and members can also order off the menu.  Est price per entre is $25 (paid at the diner), a ~30% savings from the pricier location we used in the past (at $35 each).  Raffle prizes will also be provided by the Club.  Jon will send an email to all members requesting a response concerning who will attend.  All members are encouraged to respond to this survey.  Guests are welcome to join you.
  • Dues – The Board has decided to call a “Dues Holiday” for 2022.  Members will not be asked to pay dues for the coming year as a way of saying thank you for your patience during the pandemic. 
  • Future Meeting Presentations – Next month TBD
  • Events – Tom KB1FBX is involved with a Boy Scouts event promoting Ham radio, this weekend Oct 16.  If available, please reach out to him.
  • Treasurer’s Report –– $15,291 remains in our accounts with little or no spend occurring.  Checking is $2226 and Savings is $13,025.  The club finances remain strong.  The Treasurer has filed the appropriate tax forms, paid our insurance, and handled the CT state non-profit fee and trailer registration costs.
  • Education/Testing – We have a VE session on Sat Oct 23 at 1pm at The Readiness Collective.  VE’s needed. 
  • Presentation:  Member Paul W1ip provided a most informative and exciting presentation on Parks on the Air.  He described the process, the tools to get on the air, how many parks are in the data base, the reporting & awards available as well as the success of several Club members with POTA at a recent outing to Sherwood State Park.  Some key words noted in his presentation:
    • Bioenno batteries; Wolf River Coil antenna; G-90 transceiver; picnic tables in the park; Spotting and getting noticed via Parks on the Air | POTA ;  JS8CALL to spot yourself; be a hunter or an activator; ADFI file formats for submitting logs to  Paul logs contacts to N3FJP Log.
    • We are hoping Paul W1ip can post the preso to our web site.
  • New Business:  None presented

Next meeting will be Nov 10th. 

Meeting adjourned 8:45 PM

W1TEG, Secretary.

July 2021 Monthly Meeting

Monthly Members Meeting

July 14, 2021 – Meeting Minutes

AttendingOfficer members –Jon Perelstein AI1V, President; Paul LaVorgna W1PPL, Treasurer; Peter Healy KC1GBZ, Vice President; Tom Gunther W1TEG, Secretary.  Other members in attendance included: Dee-N1ZD, Jonathan AB1HI, Jonathan K1RFD, David W1DPW, Jim KC1FB, Hugo AA1XV, Steve N1CF, Steve K1RF; Marty KA1WBN; William; Don.

Minutes:  Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by President Jon AI1V;

Order of Business

  • Reminder Bloomin Metric is moved to Sept 19th  Bloomin’ Metric (  Members will be needed to support this event.
  • The GNARC picnic at Lyz Richards is scheduled for SUNDAY August 29th.  Save the date.
  • Tower/Trailer – has been scrapped
  • Field Day was a success with 6054 points recorded.
  • VE Session is Saturday 7/31 at SoNO mall – Readiness Collective at 1:00 pm
  • Jon is preparing to offer a Tech License class in the spring and a GENERAL class in September.
  • FD Outreach – no response as yet but will be followed up.
  • Future meetings at Shop Rite?  Zig N1ICL is the contact to follow up with.  Also the Coast Guard Aux building at Calf Pasture Beech is also available as an alternative.
  • Meeting Presentations – Jonathan K1RFD “What’s New in EchoLink”  to discuss Internet Connectivity – EchoLink updates. Jonathan is the creator of Echo Link.  Latest version is V2.3 for PCs; V2.16 for IOS devices.  See for more info.
  • Treasurer’s Report –– $16K+ remains in our accounts with little or no spend occurring other than for Field Day.  Once all invoices are processed an updated report will follow.  The club finances remain strong. 
  • Activities – Discussed a summer show & tell focused on “mobile radios”.  More discussion to follow.

Next meeting will be August 29th … at the GNARC Picnic.  Stay tuned for details to follow. 

Meeting adjourned 8:25 PM

W1TEG, Secretary.

April 2021 Meeting Minutes

Attending: Officer members –Jon Perelstein AI1V, President; Paul LaVorgna W1PPL, Treasurer; Peter Healy KC1GBZ, Vice President; Tom Gunther W1TEG, Secretary. Other members in attendance included: Dee-N1ZD, Jonathan AB1HI, Steve K1RFD, David W1DPW, Jess ND1L, Toy K1WYQ, Jim KC1FB, Pete KC1PWH, Hugo AA1XV, Jonathan K1RFD, Steve KC1MDK, Steve N1CF, Beth Morgan, Ray WB1U.

Minutes: Meeting called to order at 7:39 PM by President Jon AI1V;

Order of Business
Trailer – Discussed the need to have the tower trailer disposed of as scrap ASAP. Hugo indicated he may have a person to take it.

Future Meeting Presentations – Next month (May 12th) Jonathan K1RFD to discuss Internet Connectivity – EchoLink updates.

Treasurer’s Report — $16,260.94 remains in our accounts with little or no spend occurring. With no holiday party expenses, the club finances remain strong. We have 69 paid members – down from our usual ~120.

Education/Testing – The class for new Tech license is concluded yesterday with Jon. The recent testing produced 6 new licensed Tech’s – mostly from the Wilton CERT class taught by W1IP. A few more are expected to take the test on 4/17.

Field Day Planning – We expect a “lite” version this year and focused on discussing a portable antenna i.e. BYOA as an approach. AARL will have some new rules this year including BYORadio.

Activities – Discussed a summer show & tell focused on “mobile radios”. More discussion to follow.

Presentation: Grounding a Station by Jon P. Some key points covered: A/C, RF and Lightning protection; Chasis to building grounds; RF ground approaches; see “The and Radio Works for more info .

New Business: Should there be a picnic in the summer? Pandemic rules will probably rule.

Bloomin Metric: tentative date is Sunday August 29th, Sherwood Island to Fairfield. Save the date to attend and support this event. For more info see:

Next meeting will be May 12th. Preso to be made by Jonathan K1RFD on Internet Connectivity and “EchoLink updates”.

Meeting adjourned 8:46 PM
W1TEG, Secretary.

Steve K1RF’s presentation on SimSmith

Please see this link for the presentation!

May 2020 Meeting Minutes

Location: Via ZOOM video/audio conference platform
Meeting called to order by President Jon (AI1V) at 7:30 PM. Finance report: account balances were reviewed by the Treasurer Paul (W1PPL). No mail reported in our mailbox. Technical Report: repeaters are working. Discussion of Saturday Morning net was had, with issues noted on using EchoLink.

Field Day Discussion – led by Hugo (AA1XV). ARRL advises to be flexible and creative this year due to the coronavirus pandemic restrictions for gatherings. Hugo spoke to a representative of Norwalk Parks & Rec who indicated all parks will not be open for gatherings probably through July 2020. One approach discussed was “individuals” appearing in the Park; or gathering at a member’s house/property to set up and operate; or individuals operate from their own property and we aggregate contacts as a club for scoring. Additional research is ongoing to use K1TA’s property or the other options discussed. Some members questioned the wisdom of any physical gathering for Field Day during the pandemic. Also discussed were software options for logging calls.

Meeting Presentation: “Deploying an Amplifier” by Tom K1TA. The slide show and discussion were well researched, packed with details and greatly appreciated by the members. We will seek to get the PPT posted to our website.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:36 PM
Attendees (27):
• Jon AI1V
• Dee N1ZD
• Tom W1TEG
• Tom K1TA
• Jonny AB1HI
• Paul W1PPL
• Paul W1IP
• Andre W2ART
• Rich K1CYW
• Steve K1RF
• David K1SZO

• Hugo AA1XV
• Jim N1ZFS
• Sam NV1P
• Rachel KB1VWJ
• Mike Cavaliere
• William KB1IFY
• Jess ND1L
• Joe KC1AUH
• David N1DPD
• Toy K1WYQ
• Tom KB1FBX
• Peter KC1GBZ
• Steve N1CM
• Ilan KC1LDQ
• Fred K1FC
• Jeanine KY1Q
• Ted ?