GNARC Open House

GNARC members were invited to see the new communications center and have pizza. Volunteers were organized for upcoming cleaning, painting, radio room build out and tower construction! Lots of work to do, but the end result will be a great club space. Some photos are attached.

Open House – GNARC’s New Comm Center – 8/6 – 7PM

As I’m sure everyone has heard we’ve managed to get an official GNARC communications center, and I’m sure everyone is excited to see it. We’re going to have an open house on Wednesday, August 6th.

It’s going to be paid members only, so if you want to check the place out and haven’t paid dues now would be a good time to renew or join. Doors will open at 7, and pizza will be waiting for you. PLEASE RSVP to this email if you plan on coming.

Address is 100 Fairfield Ave, Norwalk. Almost directly across I-95 from Fire HQ. Caution some bridges are under construction. Use Cedar or Stuart to cross over. Map here

Sam NV1P

Picnic – Directions and Update

The map is accurate in the post below. Just MapQuest or Google 173 Old Boston Rd in Wilton, CT.  If you need further info please email me (WB2JVB “at”

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Summer Picnic – August 7th!! – Food – Friends – Fun

Hi everyone!!!!

The GNARC annual picnic will be taking place very soon, specifically on Aug. 7th. “But wait”, you might say, “that isn’t a Wednesday!”. Well, indeed it isn’t. At the last meeting the membership voted, and the consensus was that in general Thursday tends to be a more relaxing day of the week, so we’re going with that.

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GNARC has a new home!!

Thanks to the City of Norwalk, Fire Marshal Chris Hansen, WO1T, and Fire Chief Denis McCarthy- GNARC has a new home.

We now have an official Club Station/Clubhouse located at the Norwalk Fire Dept. Maintenance facility.

Currently the front of the facility is vacant, and we will need to gather our resources together to make this a professional and functional club station and Emergency Operations Center. I am looking for volunteers who are interested in putting in many hours of effort to construct the station, erect the tower and antenna(s), assemble furniture and more. We may also need donations, as well as help moving items from various locations.

This is a very exciting opportunity for GNARC and the membership- and I am looking forward to getting on the air from this excellent location.

More updates to follow as things develop. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly (email address is on the member directory page).


Charles G. Lelievre, N1LLL

Don Hudson – Hallicrafters Presentation

On Wednesday, April 9th,  Don Hudson, W1TZR, will be giving an illustrated presentation on the history of Hallicrafters, covering 1934 to 1978. He’s even bringing some of his own equipment to the presentation to give everyone an up close look. All are welcome to come to the meeting!

The meeting is held at our normal location, Norwalk Fire Headquarters 121 Connecticut Avenue. Park in the lot on the WEST side of the building, not on the side where the fire trucks exit!

Links to other local radio clubs

Stamford Amateur Radio Association

Greater Fairfield Amateur Radio Association

Greater Bridgeport Amateur Radio Club

Candlewood Amateur Radio Associaion