November meeting topic

This month’s meeting we will have special guest Larry Reid, AB1JC, who will be presenting an update on the Discovery Museums balloon project.

2 years ago we had our first taste of this amazing project, and this update will showcase all of the hard work that has been invested since then. Included will be images taken from the latest test run from 80,000+ feet. This is one of the more interesting projects going on in the area, and it’s worth coming down to the comm center on the 11th at 7:30, 100 Fairfield Ave. We hope to see you there.

Meeting Topic – September 9

Jon WB2RYV will be discussing some of the Windows 10 upgrading issues, including various security/privacy issues.

Summer Picnic – Come one come all – RSVP now

The joint GNARC/SARA picnic is this coming Sunday, August 23rd at 3:30 pm.

Address: 43 Wyndover Lane Stamford, CT.  Map:

Those who have been before know this is the best event of the year! In order to plan for food and drink WE MUST KNOW if you are coming. Please RSVP by Wednesday at 10pm.

Those who tell us they are coming get first dibs on food and drink. You are welcome to come even if you don’t RSVP, but you may go hungry. Yes, there will be a list….

Bring a side dish please and a chair if you want to sit down. There will be tables.

Email or call Sam, NV1P. Tell someone on the repeater or at the comm center.

Email list problems?

If you are having troubles getting the GNARC emails from the reflector, please contact John, N1OLO. His email address is “his callsign” at Check your SPAM filter first!!

Beam is fixed

The beam has been repaired. During field day, it was noticed that the SWR was jumping around. One of the metal pieces that comprises the log periodic part of the antenna was loose, so as the antenna moved, the connection was intermittent.

Thanks to N1LLL, W1FSM, N1PLH, N1ZD, WB2JVB, AB1QK, W1DVE for assisting during various work sessions! And thanks to FD for providing a safe platform for us.

Setting up APRS on an iOS device

Mike, N1PLH, has created these instructions for setting up APRS on an apple device. While it is not radio, it uses some of the same APRS technology, and can be useful in tracking  hams during public service events.


Free crank up tubular tower w/rotator and quad

There is a tower available for free. It comes with a rotator and a quad. It is a Wilson tt-45b, 45′ and is located in Bethel.

You will have to take a team that knows how to do tower work to safely go get it. Serious only. Contact WB2JVB for details.

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